
The SAMHI is a composite annual measure of population mental health for each Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) in England. The SAMHI combines data on mental health from multiple sources (NHS-Mental health-related hospital attendances, Prescribing data – Antidepressants, QOF - depression, and DWP - Incapacity benefit and Employment support allowance for mental illness) into a single index.

Technical description 

Each indicator was individually standardised by rescaling data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 (z-scores). Maximum likelihood factor analysis is used as a method for combining indicators (by finding appropriate weights) into a single score based on the inter-correlations between all the indicators. 

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
2 years ago  
8 files
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SAMHI index [Version 4.00] - Indicator specification

Jul 2022 - Change of Factor Analysis approach: 2 factors have been used in the Factor analysis to balance the weights of each indicator. Previous SAMHI (v3.01) has been developed using a single factor where the Prescribing data – Antidepressants and QOF – depression indicators received a higher weighting in the index (~0.8) .

Missing values of Antidepressant Prescribing data in 2011-2013 (for about 1,172 LSOAs) have been updated.

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SAMHI index [Version 3.01] - Zip file

Oct 2021 - Missing values of ‘samhi_index’ and ‘samhi_dec’ variables for 51 LSOAs have been updated for the years 2011,2012 and 2013.

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SAMHI index [Version 3.00] - Zip file

Sept 2021 - SAMHI index and indicators have been updated for 2019.

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SAMHI index [Version 2.00] - Zip file

Dec 2020 - Change of standardization method: The ranking method used for the ver1.0 SAMHI index was replaced by the z-score method for improving the index quality.