
This dataset describes individual spending lines (i.e., sub-categories of spending) for all Public Health services. Public health services were transferred to local government in 2013. The extract is sourced from the Social Care and Public Health Services revenue outturn from Local Authorities (known as RO3). Figures are provided for every Lower Tier Local Authority in England for each financial year between 2013-14 to 2021-22. The dataset contains Net spending figures.


Technical description

The Public Health Services spending lines (R03) were compiled from annual revenue outturn estimates of Local Authority (LA) revenue expenditure and financing. This includes 25 variables describing spending lines, broadly including:

  • Sexual health services
  • NHS health check programme
  • Health protection
  • National child measurement programme
  • Obesity (adults – children)
  • Physical activity (adults – children)
  • Substance misuse (adults – children)
  • Smoking and tobacco
  • Children 5-19 public health programmes
  • Health at work
  • Public mental health
  • Miscellaneous public health services

During the time period, there have been changes in spending lines due to services phasing in/out; or changes to the reporting process. For example, Public mental health was introduced in 2016-17. When there is no reported spending line, values for that financial year are described as `NA`. Spending lines included here are those included in the latest year only. As such Total Public Health in early years may not be equal to the sum of all individual spending lines; the total value was instead taken directly from the reported total in the source data. A few spending lines have changed names slightly. When obvious, and assuming they regard the same services, older variable names have been revised to the latest.

Values are expressed in thousands (£) and presented on the basis of financial years, i.e. from April 1st to March 31st. However, annual figures were not adjusted for inflation. Figures are provided in Net values, as in:

Gross service spending – Total Income from service = Net service spending 

Total Income is the sum of Sales, Fees & Charges, and Other Income of said service provision.

Figures for Lower Tier LAs have been calculated by disaggregating Upper Tier and Other Authority figures based on population ratios (see section “Construction of LA-level data” for a detailed description). Figures from historic LA geography have been referenced to the 2021 LA geography. This includes changes in name/codes, merges, or splits of old LAs to new LAs based on population ratios for that year.

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Last Update
8 months ago  
4 files