Viewing 107 Datasets…

AHAH Version 1 (Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards)
Konstantinos Daras, Alec Davies, Mark Green, Alex Singleton, Benjamin BarrConsumer Data Research Centre, 2017, AHAH Version 1 (Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards), Accessed [<day> <month> <year>]. v3
09 Jan 2020
AHAH Version 2 (Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards)
Konstantinos Daras, Alec Davies, Mark Green, Alex Singleton, Benjamin BarrConsumer Data Research Centre, 2019, AHAH Version 2 (Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards), Accessed [<day> <month> <year>]. LSOAOGL v3
09 Jan 2020
ARC NWC Household Health Survey
247.41 kB
PLDRPlace-based Longitudinal Data Resource, 2019, ARC NWC Household Health Survey, Accessed [<day> <month> <year>]. West CoastSafeguarded Data
10 Mar 2024
Cultural, Environmental, Regulatory and Planning Services individual spending lines (R05) (FIN_07_61)
4.61 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2022), Local Authority Finance: Cultural, Environmental, Regulatory and Planning Services individual spending lines (FIN_07_61) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data ResourceEngland, LA, Local Authority, Lower TierOGL v3
14 Dec 2022
Finance Indicators: Local Authority Finance - Housing Benefits (FIN_07_60)
1.34 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Finance Indicators: Local Authority Finance - Housing Benefits (FIN_07_60) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ Authority, England, LAOGL v3
15 Jan 2021
GP Patient Survey Indicators: Confidence and trust in GP (GPPS_12_03)
11.20 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), GP Patient Survey Indicators: Confidence and trust in GP (GPPS_12_03) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
GP Patient Survey Indicators: Continuity (GPPS_12_01)
11.20 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), GP Patient Survey Indicators: Continuity (GPPS_12_01) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
GP Patient Survey Indicators: Overall experience (GPPS_12_04)
11.20 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), GP Patient Survey Indicators: Overall experience (GPPS_12_04) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
GP Patient Survey: Making an appointment (GPPS_12_02)
11.19 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), GP Patient Survey: Making an appointment (GPPS_12_02) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
GP practice characteristics – GP practice network distances (GPP_3_04)
8.52 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrEngland, LSOAOGL v3
22 Jun 2023
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Affordable Rent Dwellings Completions (HS_14_03)
333.68 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Affordable Rent Dwellings Completions (HS_14_03) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Intermediate Affordable Housing Completions (HS_14_05)
781.75 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Intermediate Affordable Housing Completions (HS_14_05) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply – London Affordable Rent Dwellings Completions (HS_14_04)
161.04 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply – London Affordable Rent Dwellings Completions (HS_14_04) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LA, LondonOGL v3
18 Dec 2019
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Social Rent Dwellings Completions (HS_14_02)
776.49 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Social Rent Dwellings Completions (HS_14_02) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Total Affordable Dwellings Completions (HS_14_01)
801.49 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Affordable Housing Supply - Total Affordable Dwellings Completions (HS_14_01) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Homelessness Statistics – Number of households accepted as being Homeless (HS_15_01)
980.61 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Homelessness Statistics – Number of households accepted as being Homeless (HS_15_01) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ Authority, England, LAOGL v3
30 Mar 2021
Housing Indicators: Local Authority Homelessness Statistics – Number of households in Temporary Accommodation (HS_15_02)
877.50 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Housing Indicators: Local Authority Homelessness Statistics – Number of households in Temporary Accommodation (HS_15_02) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
30 Mar 2021
Local Authority Finance: Adult Social Care Services individual spending lines (FIN_07_64)
1.21 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrEngland, LA, Local Authority
28 Jan 2024
Local Authority Finance: Central Government Funding (FIN_07_50)
1.68 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Central Government Funding (FIN_07_50) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
31 May 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Children Looked After Services (FIN_07_52)
307.04 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Children Looked After Services (FIN_07_52) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Family Support Services (FIN_07_55)
297.97 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Family Support Services (FIN_07_55) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Other Children and Families Services (FIN_07_53)
267.32 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Other Children and Families Services (FIN_07_53) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Safeguarding Children and Young People’s Services (FIN_07_54)
273.00 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Safeguarding Children and Young People’s Services (FIN_07_54) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Services for Young People (FIN_07_56)
267.56 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Services for Young People (FIN_07_56) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Sure Start Children's Centres and Early Years Services (FIN_07_51)
270.62 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Sure Start Children's Centres and Early Years Services (FIN_07_51) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Youth Justice (FIN_07_57)
278.29 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Children's and Young People's Services (s251) - Youth Justice (FIN_07_57) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
29 Oct 2020
Local Authority Finance: Children's Social Care Services individual spending lines (FIN_07_63)
994.73 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrLocal Authority, LA, EnglandOGL v3
28 Jan 2024
Local Authority Finance: Core Spending Power (FIN_07_59)
992.49 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Core Spending Power (FIN_07_59) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ Authority, EnglandOGL v3
10 Nov 2021
Local Authority Finance: Council Tax Requirement (FIN_07_58)
1.74 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Local Authority Finance: Council Tax Requirement (FIN_07_58) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ AuthorityOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Adult Social Care services (FIN_07_23)
619.88 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Adult Social Care services (FIN_07_23) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Central services (FIN_07_29)
759.25 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Central services (FIN_07_29) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Children Social Care services (FIN_07_22)
618.00 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Children Social Care services (FIN_07_22) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Court services (FIN_07_30)
463.45 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Court services (FIN_07_30) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Cultural and related services (FIN_07_26)
729.50 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Cultural and related services (FIN_07_26) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Education services (FIN_07_19)
748.83 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Education services (FIN_07_19) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Environmental and regulatory services (FIN_07_27)
728.86 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Environmental and regulatory services (FIN_07_27) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Fire and Rescue services (FIN_07_32)
739.17 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Fire and Rescue services (FIN_07_32) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Highways and Transport services (FIN_07_20)
732.52 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Highways and Transport services (FIN_07_20) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Housing services (GFRA only) (FIN_07_25)
730.76 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Housing services (GFRA only) (FIN_07_25) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Other services (FIN_07_33)
682.16 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Other services (FIN_07_33) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Planning and development services (FIN_07_28)
731.83 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Planning and development services (FIN_07_28) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Police services (FIN_07_31)
742.17 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Police services (FIN_07_31) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Public Health services (FIN_07_24)
569.46 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Public Health services (FIN_07_24) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Social Care services (FIN_07_21)
736.71 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Social Care services (FIN_07_21) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Total Services (FIN_07_18)
745.15 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Local Authority Finance: Gross Current Expenditure – Total Services (FIN_07_18) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Local Authority Finance: Income – Adult Social Care services (FIN_07_39)
622.76 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Adult Social Care services (FIN_07_39) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Central services (FIN_07_45)
737.91 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Central services (FIN_07_45) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Children Social Care services (FIN_07_38)
618.44 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Children Social Care services (FIN_07_38) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Court services (FIN_07_46)
459.15 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2021), Local Authority Finance: Income – Court services (FIN_07_46) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Local Authority Finance: Income – Cultural and related services (FIN_07_42)
725.21 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Cultural and related services (FIN_07_42) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Education services (FIN_07_35)
723.67 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Education services (FIN_07_35) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Environmental and regulatory services (FIN_07_43)
727.79 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Environmental and regulatory services (FIN_07_43) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Fire and Rescue services (FIN_07_48)
742.47 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Fire and Rescue services (FIN_07_48) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Highways and Transport services (FIN_07_36)
731.60 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Highways and Transport services (FIN_07_36) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Housing services (GFRA only) (FIN_07_41)
727.93 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Housing services (GFRA only) (FIN_07_41) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Other services (FIN_07_49)
676.93 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Other services (FIN_07_49) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Planning and development services (FIN_07_44)
735.77 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Planning and development services (FIN_07_44) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Police services (FIN_07_47)
740.28 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Police services (FIN_07_47) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Public Health services (FIN_07_40)
564.69 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Public Health services (FIN_07_40) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Social Care services (FIN_07_37)
723.49 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Social Care services (FIN_07_37) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Income – Total services (FIN_07_34)
740.62 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Income – Total services (FIN_07_34) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Levelling Up Funds, Lower Tier (FIN_07_62L)
192.07 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrEngland, LA, Local Authority, Lower Tier
26 Mar 2024
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Adult Social Care services (FIN_07_07)
715.17 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Adult Social Care services (FIN_07_07) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
04 Feb 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Central services (FIN_07_13)
947.11 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Central services (FIN_07_13) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Children Social Care services (FIN_07_06)
717.53 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Children Social Care services (FIN_07_06) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
04 Feb 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Court services (FIN_07_14)
1.33 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Court services (FIN_07_14) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
19 Dec 2019
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Education services (FIN_07_03)
975.09 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Education services (FIN_07_03) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Environmental and regulatory services (FIN_07_11)
976.86 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Environmental and regulatory services (FIN_07_11) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Fire and rescue services (FIN_07_16)
977.65 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Fire and rescue services (FIN_07_16) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Highways and Transport services (FIN_07_04)
973.89 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Highways and Transport services (FIN_07_04) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Housing services (GFRA only) (FIN_07_09)
975.76 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Housing services (GFRA only) (FIN_07_09) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Other services (FIN_07_17)
897.56 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Other services (FIN_07_17) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Planning and development services (FIN_07_12)
974.87 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Planning and development services (FIN_07_12) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Police services (FIN_07_15)
972.94 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Police services (FIN_07_15) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Public Health services (FIN_07_08)
662.06 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Public Health services (FIN_07_08) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Social Care services (FIN_07_05)
975.91 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Social Care services (FIN_07_05) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
04 Feb 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Total Services (FIN_07_02)
970.59 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2020), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Expenditure – Total Services (FIN_07_02) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, Local Authority, LAOGL v3
10 Mar 2022
Local Authority Finance: Net Current Service Expenditure – Cultural and related services (FIN_07_10)
975.98 kB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2019), Local Authority Finance: Net Current Service Expenditure – Cultural and related services (FIN_07_10) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LA, Local AuthorityOGL v3
12 Apr 2022
Local Authority Finance: Public Health Services individual spending lines (FIN_07_65)
1.08 MB
Alexandros Alexiou, Benjamin BarrAlexiou A, Barr B (2022), Local Authority Finance: Public Health Services individual spending lines (FIN_07_62L) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data ResourceEngland, Local AuthorityOGL v3
28 Jan 2024
Physical Activity Attributable Hospitalisations (PAAH)
2.06 MB
Gwilym Owen, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrLA, MSOA, England, Local AuthorityOGL v3
21 Dec 2022
Prescribing indicators - Anti-coagulants (P_1_11)
79.22 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Anti-coagulants (P_1_11) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ v3
06 Mar 2021
Prescribing indicators - Antidepressants (P_1_07)
87.77 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Antidepressants (P_1_07) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
27 May 2023
Prescribing indicators - Anti-psychotics (P_1_10)
79.22 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Anti-psychotics (P_1_10) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
30 Apr 2022
Prescribing indicators - Aspirin (P_1_14)
79.23 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Aspirin (P_1_14) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Prescribing indicators - Asthma–bronchodilators (P_1_09)
79.22 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Asthma–bronchodilators (P_1_09) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
30 Apr 2022
Prescribing indicators - Clopidogrel (P_1_15)
79.23 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Clopidogrel (P_1_15) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Prescribing indicators - Opioid analgesics (P_1_12)
79.29 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Opioid analgesics (P_1_12) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
30 Apr 2022
Prescribing indicators - Oral Anticoagulants (P_1_18)
74.24 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Oral Anticoagulants (P_1_18) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Prescribing indicators - Orlistat (P_1_19)
79.39 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Orlistat (P_1_19) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Prescribing indicators - Pragusel (P_1_16)
79.62 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Pragusel (P_1_16) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Prescribing indicators - Statins (P_1_08)
109.76 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Statins (P_1_08) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
30 Apr 2022
Prescribing indicators - Tigraleor (P_1_17)
61.15 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Prescribing indicators - Tigraleor (P_1_17) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Asthma prevalence (QOF_4_03)
25.80 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Asthma prevalence (QOF_4_03) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Atrial fibrillation prevalence (QOF_4_07)
21.68 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Atrial fibrillation prevalence (QOF_4_07) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Cancer prevalence (QOF_4_01)
25.92 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Cancer prevalence (QOF_4_01) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
30 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Chronic kidney disease prevalence (QOF_4_08)
21.64 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Chronic kidney disease prevalence (QOF_4_08) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence (QOF_4_04)
25.87 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence (QOF_4_04) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Coronary heart disease prevalence (QOF_4_02)
25.80 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Coronary heart disease prevalence (QOF_4_02) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Depression prevalence (QOF_4_12)
24.18 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Tanith Rose, Dialechti Tsimpida, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Rose T, Tsimpida D, Barr B (2023), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Depression prevalence (QOF_4_12) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Longitudinal Data Resource, EnglandOGL v3
25 Jan 2023
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Obesity prevalence (QOF_4_09)
18.20 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Obesity prevalence (QOF_4_09) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, LSOAOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Stroke/transient ischemic attack prevalence (QOF_4_10)
25.84 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Quality and Outcomes Framework Indicators: Stroke/transient ischemic attack prevalence (QOF_4_10) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
06 Mar 2021
Small Area Mental Health Index (SAMHI)
84.21 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Small Area Mental Health Index (SAMHI) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/, EnglandOGL v3
01 Jul 2022
Small Area Vulnerability Index (SAVI)
12.85 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrDaras K, Barr B (2021), Small Area Vulnerability Index (SAVI) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ v3
30 Mar 2021
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) indicator: Flood risk (UPRN_1_1)
95.07 MB
Mark GreenUPRNGNU General Public License v3.0
20 Sep 2024
Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) indicator: Greenspace distances [Accessibility] (UPRN_2_1)
315.15 MB
Mark GreenUPRNGNU General Public License v3.0
20 Sep 2024
Welfare Indicators: Claimant rate (W_5_01)
6.47 MB
Tanith Rose, Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrRose T, Daras K, Barr B (2021), Welfare Indicators: Claimant rate (W_5_01) <VERSION NUMBER> [Open Dataset], Place-based Logitudinal Data Resource, DOI: 10.17638/ v3
06 Mar 2021
Welfare indicators - Claimants of DLA/PIP for mental health reasons and learning difficulties (W_5_05)
13.35 MB
Konstantinos Daras, Benjamin BarrEngland, LSOAOGL v3
22 Jun 2023